What's Next?

Earlier this week I was permanently laid off from my job, a new position I had started less than two months ago. It’s funny — I never thought that at age 25 I’d be filing for unemployment. But then again, I never thought I’d actually start writing a blog, so these truly must be strange times. 

With this news and the global pandemic at hand, I felt disappointed, discouraged, even a little embarrassed. But, I also felt reassured knowing I wasn’t the only one struggling during this time, and I felt the warmth and support from family, friends, colleagues, and my therapist — all of them knowing the right things to say. And let’s be honest, there’s nothing like being unemployed during a mandated “stay-at-home” order to force you to reevaluate and think about what’s next.

So, as I sit on the floor in my tiny apartment, wearing no pants and eating a PB&J sandwich, here’s to the future:

  • To learning more about myself and what I’m passionate about (and actually investing in myself — austinmcneal.com will be constantly evolving over the next few weeks!).

  • To FaceTiming my nieces and nephew, because Uncle Austie misses you!

  • To finding work that’s meaningful.

  • To watching countless TikTok videos.

  • To finding an employer who shares my same values and truly cares for their people.

  • To working on new cross-stitching projects.

  • To hoping and praying things (COVID-19, unemployment, etc.) will get better.

I guess it’s true what they say — sometimes it takes a crisis to put things into perspective, to see what’s truly important (and by “they” I mean my mom, because that’s what she told me on the phone earlier this week). 😊

Stay tuned — there’s more to come!

P.S. If you have a lead on any marketing or communications jobs, drop me a line — my DMs are always open!